Sunday, July 31, 2011

80's Videos

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Back to Work

Going back to work can be good for getting in better eating habits. I eat less while at work but then I get home and I have to say I eat some of the wrong things. While fixing dinner I tend to snack. Dieting sucks!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer Nutrition

Let's face it during the summer we eat a lot more chips and hamburgers. We drink more soda and shakes. And obviously this is not good in terms of trying to lose weight. There are some simple things that we can do in our summer routine that would help us to get into better shape. For instance when golfing, walk don't ride. When you have a family reunion eat more fruit rather than sugar sweets. Eat a healthy breakfast rather than eating the traditional pancakes, eggs and bacon. Sometimes this is hard to do but if we can get into the habit it will become apart of us.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Been walking a lot lately. Any one have any idea what shoes are the best for walking. My feet kinda hurt and I do wear older shoes. My walking consists of 18 holes of golf which takes about 4 hours to play. Golf shoes are not comfortable nor are the old tennis shoes, but I have wondered about the Sketcher Shape-Ups. Any ideas about them?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Overeating = Stress or Boredom?

Do you eat out of boredom, nervousness or anxiousness? What is that exactly? Does it mean that we overeat or do we eat the wrong things. I think a bit of both. Do we overeat when we are stressed because we don't want to feel that stress? Are we that bored in life that in order to keep from being bored, eating gives us something to do? Help I think I'm stuck in this stage!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Advice for today...

Get plenty of sleep, water, fruit and vegetables. I think you could live on those things a lone.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Cancer Project

I was reading in a McCall magazine and came across an ad on The Cancer Project. It was a short article describing how to lower cholesterol and how eating healthy, eating more fruits and vegetables could possibly prevent cancer. Then I went to the websites THE CANCER PROJECT I found recipes, research, nutrition tips and basically information about eating right and staying healthy. Check out their website at The Cancer Project

Monday, April 12, 2010

Advice of the day...

Have some self control...instead of having second helpings to dinner...walk away from the table.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Messed up a bit with the diet this week. Eating way too much homemade bread and rolls. Ever heard of the Diet Solution? The Diet Solution consists of a manual that helps you learn if you are a carbohydrate type or a protein type. And then there are suggested meals and foods that are best for you. Sisters can give the best advice.